Pre planting apply Pro-Soil to mineralise crop residues and convert them into nutrition for the following crop. Contains Chitosan, Fulvic acid, Yucca plant, Ammino acids which are plant based. Stimulates a healthy root system and enhances the soil's ability to establish the plant. Excellent effect on Potato Cyst Nemotode (PCN).
Follow up with Marriphite™ / Maerit® at recommended dose and timings through the growing season. Consult Jim Peace on 07957 886431 for advice.
Cereals need magnesium and potash during the growing season. Apply MgK+ at recommended dose and timings. Consult Jim Peace on 07957 886431 for advice.
Our Approach increased yield potential by 2.16t/Ha and above ground biomass by up to 48%
Pea Headlines: 18% more biomass with an average of 20% more nutrients in the crop. This should lead to potential yield improvements.
Why did we get the improvements following the Bioscience® system?
- Better understanding of the soil needs to meet your crops demand; Feed to Need peak demand?
- Stimulate the plant to access these applied nutrients and the natural nutrients in the soil: roots are the hands of the plants, bigger roots more soil and water nutrients access. Marriphite® will grow more plant roots.
- Increased Suplur, Boron and Zinc: Boost NUE nutrient use efficiency, bigger rooting from Zinc and Phosphate relationship, Boron increase photosynthesis rates:
- Bioscience®: increased S,K, Bio stimulation and foliar nutrents: Bigger rooting, batter NUE, increased biomass: light interception bigger sustainable yield potential.