Silage Mixtures
1 - 2 yrs, seed rate 12 kgs per acreItalian and Hybrid Ryegrass.
2 yrs, seed rate 15 kgs per acreItalian, Hybrid and Perennial Ryegrass.
3 yrs, seed rate 15 kgs per acreHybrid and Perennial Ryegrass. Available with or without clover

Dual Purpose Mixtures
3 - 4 yrs, seed rate 13 kgs per acre,Hybrid and Perennial Ryegrass. Available with or without clover.
3 - 4 yrs, seed rate 13.5 kgs per acre,Early bite, silage and full season grazing
5 yrs, seed rate 13.5 kgs per acre,Our top seller and prize winner for total flexible management, suitable for silage, hay and grazing.

Long Term Mixtures
5 - 7 yrs, seed rate 14 kgs per acre,Intensive silage mixture for later, cooler conditions.
7 yrs, seed rate 14.5 kgs per acre,High output grazing ley for intensive cattle grazing.
10 yrs, seed rate 14.5 kgs per acre,Long term ley for where the going is tough, marginal conditions.
10 yrs, seed rate 15 kgs per acre,Superb permanent pasture for grazing, silage, hay and autumn grazing.
Equestrian and Amenity Mixtures
Peace Pony Paddock
Seed rate 15 kgs per acre,Carefully selected blend of grass varieties, hard wearing suitable for horse grazing and hay.
Seed rate 50 kgs per acre,Designed for racehorse gallops and racecourse use. High seed rate to ensure dense sward.
Seed rate 40 - 50gms/m㎡,Super quality sports turf mixture for golf courses and lawns.
Seed rate 0.5 - 1.5 kgs per acre,Blend of herbs to enhance trace element content of grass leys.
Tailor made to order

Fodder Crops
Game cover crops will only reach their full potential if the are well managed right from the start. A successfully managed shoot is both profitable and rewarding to landowners and the local community, as it contributes positively to the countryside and the overall environment. Peace Seeds can provide a full range of suitable mixtures for successful game cover to suit your soil conditions and purpose.
Contact Jim Peace for specialist advice and to discuss establishing and managing your game cover crops.